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“MAKING TRACKS with Scroggin”, January 2025
Whanganui Chronicle MIDWEEK
Reminders of past litter our bush
New Zealand’s back country is littered with reminders of times past. These can be old fence posts in country reverting to bush, tram lines and machinery in areas that were logged, or items like rain gauges in the ranges. They all have a story to tell. Some relics which Wanganui Tramping Club members came across recently include a rain gauge in Ruahine Forest Park and an old boiler near the Mangaone Walkway on the edge of Tararua Forest Park, both rusting away.
Other alien items with a tragic past are the remains of crashed planes. Te Papakura o Taranaki (formerly Egmont National Park) has three crashed air force planes, all of which produced fatalities. There are also crash sites in Tongariro National Park and the Ruahine and Tararua ranges. None of these sites are marked except in some instances by graves.
The club’s full weekend programme for January is:
5th Sunday, Makairo Track, leader Toby
7-9 Tues-Thurs, Te Papakua o Taranaki Circuit, leader Dave
11 or 12 Sat or Sun, Mikimiki Walkway, leader Peter
18 or 19 Sat or Sun, Branch Road Walkway, leader Pam
25 Sat, Mangawhio Lakes, leader Shane
25 Sat, Pot Luck Meal, leader Dorothy
26 Sun, Manawatu Gorge Track, leader Dorothy
31-Feb 1 Fri- Sat, Mt Taranaki Summit, leader Kathy
The midweek’s have a full programme of interesting trips every Wednesday. Those who get out on Thursday are in two groups, with a longer walks on 16 and 30 January for the TT1 group and shorter ones for the TT2 group on 9 and 23 January.
To join weekend trips call the leader by the previous Tuesday at the latest. Call by the night before for day trips. As some trips have limited numbers, leaders have the final say about who to take as they are responsible for the safety and well-being of everyone on their trips. For further information visit our website www.whanganuitramping.org.nz
There is no club meeting in January.
The next club meeting:
6pm, Tuesday February 4 at the Veandercross Lounge, Whanganui Racecourse. Shane McCulloch and Dave Scoullar will give a presentation on their 5 x day North Ruahine trip.
All welcome.