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“MAKING TRACKS with Scroggin”, February 2025
Whanganui Chronicle MIDWEEK

Happiness is safe river crossing

Wanganui Tramping Club members Jill Burton (left) and Laurel Stowell are relieved to safely cross the Taruarau River.

Rivers play an important part in outdoor recreation in New Zealand, providing waterways for canoeists and rafters and natural lines of approach to the mountains for trampers and hunters. They also present possibly the greatest hazard in the bush and mountains and have been responsible for many deaths from the early settler days into modern times. The bottom line is that no river crossing should be taken lightly.

Wanganui Tramping Club members often have to make decisions about river crossings and it’s not unusual for a trip to be cut short when a river is deemed to dangerous to cross. This happened in the northern Ruahine when a five-day trip was called off because the Taruarau River was too high. However, the same trip was arranged the following year and this time the two crossings required of the Taruarau were successful.

The Otaki River will feature in a club four-day tramp in February and fingers will be crossed it is not in flood as it was on a previous occasion forcing a tramp to be cancelled.

The club’s full weekend programme for February is:

Jan 31 - Feb 1 (Fri-Sat): Taranaki summit, leader Kathy

1 Sat, Wilkies Pools-Kapuni Lodge, leader Shane

8 or 9 Sat or Sun, Kapiti Island, leader Esther

11-12 Tues-Wed, Rangi Hut-Mania Track, leaders Sally and Toby

15 or 16 Sat or Sun, Tongariro Alpine Crossing, leader Esther

19-22 Wed-Sat, Tararua circuit, leader John

22 or 23 Sat or Sun, Rangiwahia Bush Reserve, leaders Viv and Denise

For more information email

The midweek’s have a full programme of interesting trips every Wednesday. Those who get out on Thursday are in two groups, with a longer walks on 13 and 27 February for the TT1 group and shorter ones for the TT2 group on 6 and 20 August.

To join weekend trips call the leader by the previous Tuesday at the latest. Call by the night before for day trips. As some trips have limited numbers, leaders have the final say about who to take as they are responsible for the safety and well-being of everyone on their trips. For further information visit our website

The next club meeting:
6pm, Tuesday February 4 at the Veandercross Lounge, Whanganui Racecourse. Shane McCulloch and Dave Scoullar will give a presentation on their 5 x day North Ruahine trip.
All welcome.